Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cop found drunk ... on way to face court for DUI charge


SENIOR-Constable Glen Campbell has the dishonour of recording one of Australia's highest ever blood-alcohol readings - 0.395.

Yesterday the 38-year-old was charged with the unthinkable, another massive reading while driving to court.

The officer was pulled over for a random breath test at 9.30am yesterday and taken to Gosford police station before his court appearance.

There, he recorded a blood-alcohol level of 0.253.

Campbell's brush with the wrong side of the law began at 7.30am on November 6 when he parked his Nissan Tiida at his local supermarket at Kariong, near Gosford, got out and collapsed drunk on the ground.

Facts tendered to court revealed he was seen driving on the wrong side of the road at an intersection moments before and was wearing his police overalls, with his name clearly displayed on the front, when he collapsed.

"In the fall the accused made no effort to break his fall and as such struck his face on the concrete," the police statement read.

Campbell was suspended from duty with the police but his licence was never formally suspended.

He was scheduled to appear at Gosford Local Court yesterday but ran late after he was picked up just 500m from the court.

His solicitor Eric Oates said, such was his addiction, Campbell could "consume [significant quantities] and remain compos mentis".

"My principal submission is this is a health issue," he told the court.

Court papers revealed Campbell had consumed 1½ 750ml bottles of scotch between 9am and 11pm on Monday before his scheduled court appearance yesterday.

He pleaded guilty to both charges and was granted bail on the condition he lived with his parents at Westleigh, not drive or drink alcohol. He will return for sentencing on September 13.


My comment - It may be well worth remembering this tidbit that a Police Officer holds the current Australian record for recording the highest blood alcohol content whilst driving. I'm not suggesting using that information to slag off the Police but rather to combat the whole "Only the Police should carry / have guns" for here is a highly trained, highly experienced senior officer who shouldn't have a gun. Right now he is suspended but what about the days (weeks, years?) before he was suspended? I've never ever driven whilst intoxicated. I have never ever touched a firearm with a single light beer under my belt. Yet this officer did carry a pistol days before he was suspended?

Again I reiterate that this blog is not intended to be an attack on Police.

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